Sunday 5 December 2010

Sunday, December 05, 2010
Silahkan klik tulisan atau gambar untuk lanjut membaca Young Indonesian's Mission to Spread the Catechism.
BOGOR (JABAR) - The Indonesian Bishops Conference (KWI) has organized a series of meetings and seminars for volunteer lay missionaries in the country, 24 to 28 November last. At least 70 catechists attended the event, held in Sawangan (Bogor Regency).

Mgr. Leopoldo Girelli, apostolic nuncio, was present at the conference. His participation was a joy to all present, a sign that the Vatican pays great attention to the work of these lay missionaries.

Fr. Matthews Purwatma Pr, Professor of theology at the Kentungan seminar in Yogyakarta (Central Java) stated: "Most of the participants are lay volunteers working on the ground with their Catholic communities. They are not employed by any parish. Dozens of them come from the diocese of Lampung, Padang, Banjarmasin, in addition to the archdiocese of Semarang.

The priest added: "Whatever the initial motivation that drives these people to become missionaries, we are proud of their strong commitment to spreading the word of God. Being a catechist is nothing more than exercising the calling of God." But after praise, comes a recommendation: the urgent need to promote a missionary department in the diocese to merge all these lay volunteers and facilitate them in their activities.

Speaking to AsiaNews Fr Adisusanto S.J., director of the Catechetical Commission of the Indonesian Bishops 'Conference, described this week of meetings "a crucial opportunity to strengthen ties between the Church and its active part, that which is Christ's mission: to proclaim the presence of' God's love in the world. "

The lay missionaries at the conference were both adults and young people. "A sign - said Fr. Purwatma - that the passage of the commitment to younger persons is taking place in a correct manner”. In this regards John Dwi Harsanta PR, a young priest of the Commission of the Indonesian Bishops Conference, stated that "Over the past two years there has been a change in approach to the work of spreading the word of God among the Catholic youth of Indonesia." I look with admiration at the love that young people have for this wonderful work, that is spreading the Catholic faith among our neighbouring communities. "

A large number of Catholic laity serve as catechists. Not only in big cities of Java, Sumatra and Sulawesi, but also in more remote areas such as Papua, East and West Nusa Tenggara. The Church in Indonesia fully recognizes their significant role in spreading the Catholic faith among the people, given the lack of priests and "professional” catechists. Often these volunteers are not paid by the local ecclesiastical bodies: they carry out their vocation to spread the word of God and of Catholic doctrine for a personal reasons.