Saturday 18 September 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010
Silahkan klik tulisan atau gambar untuk lanjut membaca Indonesians Rue Surge in Religious Hate Crimes.
JAKARTA - More than 1,000 people held an interreligious prayer gathering in central Jakarta yesterday to express concern at what they say is an increase in religious freedom violations over the last three years
Leaders from the country’s major religions said prayers during the event held outside the Bundaran Hotel Indonesia.
“Deliver us from hatred, vengeance and suspicion so that we can create peace and build true brotherhood,” said Franciscan Father Kristoforus Tara in his prayer.
Event coordinator Stefanus Gusman of the Union of Catholic University Students also read out a statement criticizing the government for not doing enough for religious minorities.
“Violence has increased because of the lack of government protection for citizens,” the statement said.
The first seven months of this year saw 28 religious freedom violations, Gusman said, referring to a SETARA Institute for Democracy and Peace report published in July.
The number of cases was up from 17 in 2008 and 18 in 2009, he said.
Cases included building permit refusals as well as the forced closure of churches and prayer services.
“The government should uphold pluralism and religious freedom in this country and ensure that every citizen can worship properly,” the statement said.
The gathering also urged legislators to closely monitor policies on religious freedom made by government ministers.
All Indonesians are facing discrimination and violence, said Inaya Wahid, daughter of the late president Abdurrahman Wahid.
“It is time for us to lead the way and to light candles for peace. We should not be afraid. Together we fight and hold hands for peace in this country,” she said.
