Tuesday 23 November 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Silahkan klik tulisan atau gambar untuk lanjut membaca Bethel Church of God of Rose of Sharon (GBI Mawar Sharon) Dedicated in Indonesia.
JAKARTA - Assistant General Overseer Mark Williams participated in the dedication ceremony of the new 10,000-seat Rose of Sharon church in Indonesia.

The church is pastored by Jacob Nahuway, who also serves as national overseer of Gereja Bethel Indonesia, the amalgamated ministry partner which constitutes the Church of God in Indonesia. Construction of the new church increased the capacity of the facility by five-fold, from 2,000 to 10,000. 

Rose of Sharon has 20 full-time staff members with a lay ministry staff of over 100 and an average weekly attendance of 6,500 in four services. With the dedication, the Rose of Sharon Church is now the largest church auditorium in the capital city of Jakarta.

As part of the journey, Williams is also meeting with the Gereja Bethel Indonesia church Executive Council, which consists of 120 pastors and leaders throughout the country of Indonesia. Williams will be speaking for Niko Njorthardjo, pastor of one of the largest churches in the Church of God in Indonesia. 

He will also visit schools and education sites in the country. Williams will visit a hospital and speak at the prayer and fasting workers meeting of Pastor Niko, where some 5,000+ are in attendance. In addition Williams will speak at the Alpha/Omega ministry of Pastor Josiah Alim and at two services with Pastor Alex Tanuseputra in Surabaya. Finally, Williams will tour Bethel Seminary, the 1968 Youth World Evangelism Action (YWEA )project of the Church of God.

Sumber: Continental News